Current Research Projects
Francis Marion National Forest (FMNF) Still Sites
Berkeley County, SC | Since 2018, I have been investigating the archaeological remains of moonshining, known as still sites, in the South Carolina Lowcountry. This project, which serves as the basis for my dissertation research, represents a collaboration between myself, the US Forest Service, and descendant communities to tell the story of this dynamic landscape’s transformation during the late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries.
Odd Fellows Cemetery
Knoxville, TN | Since 2019, I have been collaborating with other graduate students in the Anthropology Department and Katherine Ambroziak in the College of Architecture & Design at UTK to document and delineate the Odd Fellows Cemetery, a historically African-American cemetery in East Knoxville.
Archaeological Collaborations with the South Carolina State Parks
Aiken and Union Counties, SC | Since 2021, I have been collaborating with South Carolina State Parks Archaeologist Stacey Young to conduct geophysical and terrestrial archaeological surveys at several park properties across the state. To date, this work has included volunteer ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys, cemetery delineations, and a field school offered through the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
Coan Hall Geophysics
Northumberland County, VA | Since 2018, I have been collaborating with Dr. Barbara Heath and the Coan Hall Archaeological Research Group (CHARG) to develop a better understanding of the colonial-era landscape using geophysical survey. The site is the location of ongoing archaeological research into the nature of colonial entanglements between Indigenous groups and English colonists on Virginia’s Northern Neck.
Fort Frederick Collection Analysis
Beaufort, SC | In Summer 2022, I will be partnering with archaeologists from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) Heritage Trust Program to inventory collections from the 18th-century site of Fort Frederick in Beaufort County, South Carolina. This site is undergoing intensive archaeological recovery work by SCDNR due to climactic and developmental threats to the site.
Note: This project has been delayed from July 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.